J o h n S t u r g e o n - s e l e c t e d
V i d e o I n s t a l l a t i o n P i e c e s
Dissolving, 2000, (interactive CD-ROM video installation for data projection), Pittsburgh Biennial, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts
…of the father, 2000, (2-channel sculptural video installation), Regina Gouger Miller Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
Blooming, while we are sinking, 1996, (collaborative video installation, with Edda Akkermann),
Gallery Gruppé Grün, Bremen, Germany
Narkose, 1993-94, (2-channel: projector & monitor, sculptural video-installation, German &
English text), The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
TRAP/bat, 1993 commission (multi-channel interactive video installation): The Museum of
Modern Art; New York, NY
Uroboros, 1979, color Video, with Sculptural Environment, L.A. Louver Gallery,
Los Angeles, CA
I Will Take You, 1978 (& 1984 retrospective), b&w Video Projection, with Sculptural
Environment, Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA
As Above, As Below, 1978, 2 Ch. color Video Installation, w/ Performed Environment,
Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA
Spin 411, 1974, (Collaboration w/ Nina Sobel), b&w, Video & Interactive Environment,
commission: Mark Taper Forum - Experimental Lab Theater, Los Angeles, CA
Installation Documents
Blooming, while we are sinking, 1996, (collaborative video installation, with Edda Akkermann),
© 1997, color, stereo, 6 mins.
Narkose (1993-94, 2-channel, sculptural video installation), ©1994, color,
stereo, 7 mins.
TRAP/bat (1993, 6 ch. video installation, M.O.M.A., interactive), ©1994,
color, stereo, 7 mins.